Friday, October 5, 2007

Mikey 411

The mitablog inbox has been inundated with inquiries regarding the sincerity of our host’s claim to be the real “Mikey”. As the MITA Blog Master, I felt it my duty to put an end to this budding controversy post haste.

Allow me to share the following on behalf of our vertically challenged host:

Little known factoid - early versions of Life cereal contained inordinately high concentrations of benzoates, sulphites, nitrates, and sulfates - nearly 1000x the RDA levels that appear on the side of the box today. For most all consumers, the elevated levels of preservatives had no noticeable affect. For Mikey, because he ate so many bowls of delicious (and nutritious) Life cereal during the tapings of the Life cereal commercials, his physical growth was stunted and his physical looks were preserved indefinitely. In fact, the picture that you see above was actually taken shortly before the first posting of this site as Mikey was enjoying yet another helping of the ambrosial pabulum that is Life cereal.

The good news is that, although Mikey’s cute little frame ceased to expand at a normal rate, Mikey’s mind continued to grow until it reached the awe-inspiring, mensa-like level of thinking that we see today and from which we all benefit through the near genius creation of this bogging site. So yes, he really is THAT kid from the Life cereal commercials.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm still not convinced :-)

MITA Zealot said...

I think if the LIFE cereal folks would have built their systems on a business process model, they may have had the system necessary to detect the harmful ingredients in their "kid friendly" cereal. Perhaps MITA can save us from becoming "Like Mike"!