Wednesday, November 7, 2007

HL7 Meeting in January

The next step toward using MITA artifacts to do actual systems development work is to transcribe the MS Word versions of Business Processes into a modeling language that can then be passed along to developers for implementation. The concept of taking the text descriptions of the business processes found in the MITA Business Process Model and turning them into Universal Modeling Language (UML) was proven to be plausible through development of the Enroll Provider Demo that was presented at the 2007 MMIS conference. The demo proved that users of disparate technical platforms could submit a standardized input to invoke business services that support a MITA Business Process and receive a standardized output, again, independent of the technical platform.

Why am I telling you this? Well, primarily because it makes me look smart! But I also bring it up here because most of the modeling of the MITA Business Processes remains to be done and the HL7 standards that will support these models are still under development. In order to evolve the BPM, a MITA focus group has been formed within HL7 to leverage their tools and methodology to create the Business Processes in Unified Modeling Language (UML) as the next step in evolving the MITA Framework into the foundation for detailed design specifications (okay, I stole that line, sue me). The next opportunity for this group to get together cheek-to-cheek (hey, what happens in San Antonio stays in San Antonio) is coming up in January.

During the HL7 conference in January in San Antonio, TX, the HL7 MITA focus group will meet to develop the work plan, set the direction for the work, and solicit state input and volunteers. NOW is the time for state voices to be heard as the UML development work begins. Just as state input is valuable in reviewing and revising the Business Processes, it is even more valuable in development of the UML versions. Further refinement of the Business Processes will take place during the course of this development work. Additionally, the data standards for use in each Business Process will also begin to be drafted (okay, so I stole that too!)

This is a great, nigh, GRAND opportunity for anyone involved in MITA to develop a new skill! UML modelers right now are a scarce resource, trust me, I’ve looked! This may be the perfect opportunity for someone to step outside the world of their miserable little cubicle, spread their wings, and fly with reckless abandon toward the brave new world of business process modeling. Just think of the longer hours, the separation from family, the late evenings of high anxiety and frustration, the 80 hour work… weeks…okay, maybe don’t think of those things, but seriously, it IS a golden opportunity to become part of an elite class of “crossover analysts” who dwell in the netherworld between the Land of Requirements Development and the Land of Systems Design, never really fitting in with either class, not having a clan of your own with which to identify, always being on the outside looking in, always the Bride’s Maid and never the…Bride….okay forget all of that too. This is going according to plan here.

Look, just check out the link here and decide for yourself, but don’t ever say you weren’t given an opportunity to play an active role in the development of MITA because here is your chance!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any advice on which tutorial sessions to attend?