Friday, September 26, 2008

State Alliance for eHealth

The State Alliance for eHealth, co-chaired by the governors of Tennessee and Vermont and sponsored by the National Governor’s Association (NGA), has released their first annual report and recommendations on Medicaid and e-Health. The State Alliance is supported by an advisory committee composed of representatives from both the public and private sectors who provide technical expertise on critical issues related to electronic HIE.

The report is broken down into 4 sections: An Executive Summary, Challenges to the Exchange of Electronic Health Information, Recommendations from the Alliance, and a Conclusion. Here are the six recommendations found in the report to help States further the adoption and use of HIT and electronic HIE:

1. Provide leadership and support for e-health efforts in each state;
2. Address privacy and security;
3. Promote the use of standards-based, interoperable technology; (MITA)
4. Streamline the licensure process to enable cross-state e-health;
5. Engage consumers to use HIT in managing their health and health care; and
6. Develop workforce capacity to support electronic HIE efforts.

On page 42 of the report, The Alliance recommends that states (governors) provide Medicaid with the technical resources necessary to implement MITA and related HIT/HIE activities. This report is a good read if you have 20 minutes or so. The full report can be found here:


Anonymous said...

Nice to see that the Governors recognize MITA and the importance of eHealth. The message seems to be getting lost between the State House and getting the funds allocated and filtered down to the level of the Mediciad IT budget.

Mikey said...

Jim - I agree, but the seed has at least been planted. I am sure that the soil will be more fertile in some states than in others but awareness at the executive level is a huge success in my book!