Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well, Maybe This Time....

We're back....again

Rusty, dusty, out of blogging practice but willing to try once again to open up a dialogue within the MITA community.

Last year at this time, the MITA Matters blog was averaging around 100 visitors per day but only one or two comments a week = lame. There is lots of good MITA stuff happening about which to blog, but Mikey needs to feel the love :-)

Open for business - ideas for post topics welcomed...questions encouraged...email or comment here.


MITA Zealot said...

Mikey - Really glad to have you back! I hope to see others join in the conversation. Did you go somewhere fun? Jail?

MITA Zealot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm in.

Mikey said...

Zealot - Jail?....Really?

I'm crushed!

Anonymous said...

Good to see the blog back, there has been some good information here. Have you thought about asking the MITA workgroups to provide content?

Mikey said...

I did - and they snubbed me *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Will there be refeshments?