Monday, December 17, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Free HL7 - MITA Orientation Today
There is a WebEx component, which is a website that one logs onto and can then view a ppt presentaion and also make comments and also a teleconference number to participate in the audio portion of the orientation.
The WebEx site will be available for logon at 12:45 at this URL:
The telconference number is: 866-469-3239
When prompted, please enter the Meeting Number: 921 175 287 and then # sign.
The agenda includes an overview of HL7, information on how HL7 relates to MITA and State Mediciad, and some info about how best to participate if you are attending the January HL7 Work Group meeting in San Antonio next month.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Dear Abby M. Zealot
[Dear Abby M. Zealot]
I agree, there needs to be more participation but with all of the subgroups involved, it is not easy to figure out how to get involved where and when. Any help you could offer is appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks for your question! While I will never espouse full comprehension of all interactions, below is the world as I know it.
CMS – We all know who they are and the only way to join is to become a Fed. (grin!)
CMS MITA Team – The contracted team assisting CMS in MITA’s continuing evolution is also closed to the general public.
NMEH MITA SWG – This group reviews MITA artifacts allowing states to have input into modifying/improving new versions of the Business and Information Architecture. Open to all state staff members and their sponsored participants, this group is 800+ members and both public/private sector.
HL7 MITA Project – This group will convene in January to begin the process of modeling the MITA Business Processes using Unified Modeling Language (UML) and HL7 standards. Both public and private sector individuals are invited to participate. Membership in HL7 is required to have a vote on proposed standards.
Systems Technical Advisory Group (STAG) – This group is sanctioned as an advisory body to CMS and has been on many issues preceding the introduction of MITA. They continue to act as a conduit for CMS to disseminate MITA related information. CMS selects one representative from each region to participate, by invitation only.
Private Sector Technical Advisory Group (PS-TG) – Comprised of vendors in the same private industry role as the STAG, this group is recognized as an advisory body to CMS. Their MITA focus is in continued development of the Technical Architecture. The group is open to all vendors and rumor has it that some of the more tech-savvy state reps may have been invited to participate as well.
Business Architecture Review Board (BARB) – The newest addition to the family, this group is also by invitation only and is comprised of invited state staff who will participate in the governance process established to moderate MITA’s evolution.
With so much to choose from, you may find yourself asking, “Where should I start?” Here are my recommended steps for interested parties from both the public and private sectors:
Public (State and Federal Staff)
1. Join the NMEH Listserv! This is the broadest group and most of the relevant information flows through here at one point or another. Email for information on how to enroll.
2. Participate in the HL7 MITA Project. Even if you cannot get approved to travel in January, hook up with the project’s cochairs ( or (Bill Branch)) to stay in the loop on their activities, many of which may be done remotely in between face-to-face trimester meetings.
3. Identify your state’s primary point of contact for STAG and insure that he/she is aware of your interest in MITA so information from the STAG can be forwarded to you.
4. Techno-geeks only: If you proudly wear your propeller hat in public, an email to the PS-TG to see if they would let you participate in their Technical Architecture discussions might be in order. Email dwalsh@ESRV.COM with your qualifications for more information.
Private (The “other side” comprised of vendors and fiscal agents)
1. If you are currently working on a state contract and the lead for that state likes you well enough, you could ask for sponsorship to join the NMEH Listserv. Email for information on how to enroll.
2. Just like step two for the public sector folks, participate in the HL7 MITA Project. Even if you cannot get approved to travel in January, hook up with the project’s cochairs ( or (Bill Branch)) to stay in the loop on their activities, many of which may be done remotely in between face-to-face trimester meetings.
3. Since you are a vendor or fiscal agent, the propeller hat is optional for participation in the PS-TG. If you would like to learn more about the private sector participation in MITA’s evolution, send an email to the PS-TG for information about membership. Dues are a modest $50 per year so it will not break the corporate bank. Email dwalsh@ESRV.COM for more information.
The world as we know it is subject to change. But while we still know who’s on first, now is the time to swing for the fences!
Abby M. Zealot
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Business Architecture Update
Calvin and UML
Calvin was obviously having some trouble conveying his sandwich design concept to the sandwich developer. The result was less than desirable, especially for our young end user. Perhaps our friend Calvin should have tried communicating a more object oriented design request using UML. It may have looked something like this:
Anybody want to take a stab at writing the xml for Calvin’s order?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Old MacDonald got FFP for HL7!
For systems that are currently operational, job enhancement activities can be reimbursed by the Feds at 75%. HL7 training for ongoing maintenance and operations of your systems can be applied for through an APD update or claimed on quarterly CMS financial reports and justified on the basis that upcoming HIPAA-related claims attachments will likely be based on HL7 standards. In addition, many states are now developing EHRs and PHRs through Medicaid Transformation Grants. Some grant applications have line items for training and standards for the content of these electronic records will also likely come out of HL7.
See your friendly neighborhood CMS Regional Office Staff for details on this exciting offer.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Intimidation, MITA style
Isn’t that why the blog, the NMEH MITA SWG call, and possibly the HL7 meetings are so quiet? It seems like there are those in the world that understand this all so well that the rest of us are left in the dust, trying not to choke, and definitely without breath to comment. But is that really the way it has to be? I vote, “No!”
See, MITA is a vision and goal established by CMS. But CMS is comprised of humans who know they are human and are trying their best to draw the rest of us humans into the conversation with them. Far from the edict descending from the mountain, CMS has invited each of us to bring our respective talents and experience to the table expecting the final product to be more comprehensive as a result.
So whether it is guest blogging, responding, or participating in the NMEH and HL7 workgroups, we should PARTICIPATE! With an endeavor that requires many perspectives and much collaboration, every single participant is valuable. And valued. While this “little” MITA project will likely take all of my career and part of the next generation’s, we are working on something that will change the world as we know it. And won’t that be fun to share around the family holiday table??
Thanks for the invite, Mikey! Hope I did not make you regret it!
CMS Announcement of HL7 Training
Here is the announcement:
On December 11, 2007 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (EST), you are invited to attend a CMS Webinar. The purpose of the Webinar is to explain Health Level 7 (HL7) and its relationship to MITA activities, and why you may want to attend the upcoming January, 2008 HL7 Working Group Meeting. The December 11th Webinar will:
Inform you of the objectives of the upcoming January 15 – 18, 2008 HL7 Working Group Meeting to be held in San Antonio, Texas that will be of interest to business/program staff, and State MITA representatives, as well as staff who are planning to, or are already building, MITA business/information models. More about the HL7 Working Group Meeting can be found at this site: (early registration closes on December 14, 2007).
Invite you to attend orientation sessions in San Antonio for 1st time HL7 attendees, to be offered jointly by the National Medicaid EDI Health Workgroup (NMEH), and CMS, to orientate principally State folks about HL7 and the HL7 MITA sub-workgroup (SWG).
Introduce you to the collaborative activities of the HL7 MITA SWG, which is a subset of the general HL7 meeting, and their on-going activities, and demonstrate how your role in this activity can help.
Provide justifications, and explain allowable funding, for Medicaid State staff attendees.
The WEBINAR will provide you with high-level information about the HL7 meeting, how MITA fits within HL7, and reasons why you should think about attending the HL7 meeting in San Antonio, Texas in January 2008. We promise that the terms “UML” and "WSDL" will be excluded from the conversation!
Please join us on December 11, 2007 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (EST). Webinar details will be sent to you the week of December 3rd.