Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Free HL7 - MITA Orientation Today

Today is the day that CMS is sponsoring a brief orientation session for folks that are attending the HL7 Work Goup session in January. This session also appears to be a good, high-level introduction to HL7 for anyone interested in learning more about this DSMO. The orientation session is being held from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST.

There is a WebEx component, which is a website that one logs onto and can then view a ppt presentaion and also make comments and also a teleconference number to participate in the audio portion of the orientation.

The WebEx site will be available for logon at 12:45 at this URL:

The telconference number is: 866-469-3239
When prompted, please enter the Meeting Number: 921 175 287 and then # sign.

The agenda includes an overview of HL7, information on how HL7 relates to MITA and State Mediciad, and some info about how best to participate if you are attending the January HL7 Work Group meeting in San Antonio next month.

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