Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Old MacDonald got FFP for HL7!

A public service reminder that State staff may be eligible for Federal assistance to attend the HL7 Work Group Sessions. Budgets in Implementation Advance Planning Documents (IAPDs) for new systems being built using MITA methodology can be written to include implementation-related activities that would include attendance at HL7.

For systems that are currently operational, job enhancement activities can be reimbursed by the Feds at 75%. HL7 training for ongoing maintenance and operations of your systems can be applied for through an APD update or claimed on quarterly CMS financial reports and justified on the basis that upcoming HIPAA-related claims attachments will likely be based on HL7 standards. In addition, many states are now developing EHRs and PHRs through Medicaid Transformation Grants. Some grant applications have line items for training and standards for the content of these electronic records will also likely come out of HL7.

See your friendly neighborhood CMS Regional Office Staff for details on this exciting offer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
