Monday, December 3, 2007

Intimidation, MITA style

While sincerely flattered by the invitation to guest post, I must admit my reluctance to do so is directly related to the level of intimidation I feel in the presence of Mikey. I mean, how do you compete with the SOA to turkey dinner analogy? I am so intimidated by someone so knowledgeable about MITA that I just want to sit on the sidelines and maintain quiet observation so as not to reveal my inadequacy. And then it occurred to me…

Isn’t that why the blog, the NMEH MITA SWG call, and possibly the HL7 meetings are so quiet? It seems like there are those in the world that understand this all so well that the rest of us are left in the dust, trying not to choke, and definitely without breath to comment. But is that really the way it has to be? I vote, “No!”

See, MITA is a vision and goal established by CMS. But CMS is comprised of humans who know they are human and are trying their best to draw the rest of us humans into the conversation with them. Far from the edict descending from the mountain, CMS has invited each of us to bring our respective talents and experience to the table expecting the final product to be more comprehensive as a result.

So whether it is guest blogging, responding, or participating in the NMEH and HL7 workgroups, we should PARTICIPATE! With an endeavor that requires many perspectives and much collaboration, every single participant is valuable. And valued. While this “little” MITA project will likely take all of my career and part of the next generation’s, we are working on something that will change the world as we know it. And won’t that be fun to share around the family holiday table??

Thanks for the invite, Mikey! Hope I did not make you regret it!


Mikey said...

Bravo :-)

Anonymous said...

I think that there are no experts in MITA, CMS included. There may be experts in SOA or experts in areas of Medicaid business, or experts in data models but I haven't met a single so called "MITA Expert"

This post in on the money, it will take ACTIVE participation from all kinds of people to make MITA a reality. If you have been staying in the shadows, please come forward and be reocignized, we need your help.

It is a tired cliche, but there really is no such thing as a dubm question where MITA is concerned, we are all learning this together!

Anonymous said...

I agree, there needs to be more participation but with all of the subgroups involved, it is not easy to figure out how to get involved where and when. Any help you could offer is appreciated. Thanks.